Aerial view of the Warren, Maine lagoon system. Photo courtesy of Woodard and Curran.

Lagoon Systems In Maine 

Systems In Maine

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Mars Hill Wastewater Lagoon System - Mars Hill  Maine. Photo Courtesy of Wright-Pierce Engineers.
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Mechanical Mixers 
( floating aerators )

mechanical aerators






Major mechanical aerator applications include various activated sludge process modifications such as oxidation ditches and aerated lagoons. Certain requirements are more important for particular applications. Sludge suspension and it's associated mixing requirements in the activated sludge process is usually satisfied when the aerators are selected on the basis of oxygen transfer. For aerated lagoons sludge suspension and the associated mixing usually determine aeration equipment size selection.

     Motor driven, mechanical aerators provide a combination of liquid aeration and mixing. Some mechanical aerators produce the gas - liquid interface by entraining air from the atmosphere and dispersing it into bubbles. Other types disperse liquid in the form of droplets or they produce jets or thin films that contact the ambient air. Some other types even generate both liquid droplets and air bubbles.

Surface Aerator in the Milo, Maine Lagoon System

     Mechanical aerators are usually divided into two major groups : aerators with a vertical axis and aerators with a horizontal axis. Both groups are further divided into surface and submerged aerators.

     Some of the factors to consider about mechanical aeration include the geometric and dynamic parameters, and composition and temperature of the process water.

     For more information on the use of mechanical aerators one may consult the Water Pollution Control Federation's Manual of Practice FD - 13 entitled "Aeration".


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