Continuous Discharge Lagoons.
These lagoons release wastewater continuously
to a holding pond, so the rate of output roughly equals the rate
of input. The hydraulic flow pattern in the lagoon is designed so
the wastewater remains in the lagoon long enough to receive
treatment before it reaches the outlet. |
Controlled Discharge Lagoons. |
In these lagoons, wastewater is
discharged in controlled amounts, usually once or twice per year.
This method is common in cold climates where discharges typically
occur after spring thaw and again in fall |
Hydrograph Controlled Release Lagoons.
This design can be used for lagoons that
discharge directly to surface water. It includes devices that
measure the level and quality of the wastewater and receiving
water and the velocity of the receiving water to determine when
conditions are most favorable for discharge. This method can
sometimes eliminate the need for further treatment.
Complete Retention Lagoons. |
These lagoons are only practical in very dry
climates where evaporation rate greatly exceeds rainfall amounts.
Wastewater is never released from this type of lagoon. Instead it
is allowed to evaporate. |