Aerial view of the Warren, Maine lagoon system. Photo courtesy of Woodard and Curran.

Lagoon Systems In Maine 

Systems In Maine

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Mars Hill Wastewater Lagoon System - Mars Hill  Maine. Photo Courtesy of Wright-Pierce Engineers.
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Mars Hill Maine - Mars Hill Utility District

Mars Hill Wastewater Lagoon System - Mars Hill. Maine. Photo Courtesy of Wright-Pierce Engineers.



aerated lagoons
ater quality studies by the Department of Environmental Protection indicated that it was necessary to limit the organic waste matter from the Mars Hill wastewater treatment plant effluent to the Prestile Stream during low stream flows periods in the summer in order to maintain required dissolved oxygen levels in the Prestile. An aerated lagoon treatment system with seasonal effluent storage was evaluated and identified as the most cost effective alternative for providing secondary treatment while also addressing present and future water quality requirements in the region. The wastewater treated Mars Hill's aerated lagoons is stored in a storage lagoon in the summer to eliminate the potential of any adverse impact on the Prestile and discharged in the winter when the stream is capable of handling the treatment plant effluent.

Description of Facilities

Mars Hill Office &
Operations Building

The design of the facility was completed in October of 1991. After regulatory and funding agency approval and securing permits, the project was bid in January 1992. H.E. Sargent of Stillwater, Maine began construction in May 1992, and initial facility startup began in November 1993. Maine began construction in May 1992, and initial facility startup began in November 1993.



Blower Room - Blowers
 are controlled by VFD's

All wastewater collected in the District's system in Mars Hill and Blaine is pumped to the treatment facility from the Mill Street Pump Station, located at the site of the old primary treatment plant. The station has two 50 HP 8-inch horizontal self priming centrifugal pumps, each with a pumping capacity of 1,050 gallons per minute. An emergency diesel fueled, stand by engine allows continued operation during power outages. wastewater is pumped to the treatment system via a 10 inch diameter, 2,400 foot long force main. As part of this project, a new pump station was also provided at Silver Street.

Mars Hill Grit Removal Building

The treatment system consists of a headworks facility for screenings and grit removal; a three cell aerated facultative lagoon; a 32 million gallon effluent storage lagoon; and a disinfection facility utilizing sodium hypochlorite and sodium bisulfite for chlorination and dechlorination. The aeration system for the aerated lagoons and storage lagoons consists of blowers and fine bubble polyethylene plate diffusers. The aerated lagoons and storage lagoon are provided with high density polyethylene synthetic liners.

    The operations building includes a control room for monitoring the treatment process and the pump stations, a laboratory, a blower room, a garage and offices for district personnel. The facility is designed to treat an average annual daily flow of 270,000 gallons and up to 1.6 million gallons per day to accommodate peak flows.

Project Costs and Funding

     The total cost of the wastewater project including construction, land acquisition, administration and technical services was approximately $5.3 million. The construction cost was approximately $3.9 million. The project was funded by state and federal grants from the Department of Environmental Protection and the Farmers Home Administration (FmHA). Long term financing of the District's share of the project cost is being provided by a loan from the FMHA.

The Mars Hill Utility District provides 
water and wastewater services for 
Mars Hill and Blaine.


Lagoon Specifications

Lagoons No.1 No. 2 No.3 Storage
Volume 3.48 MG 3.48 MG 2.33 MG 32 MG
Lagoon Sizes 580' x 160' x 10' 280' x 180' x 10' 280' x 180 x 10' 860' x 360' x 19'
Lagoon Acreage 2.13 acres 1.15 acres 1.15 acres 7.1 acres
Aeration Fine Bubble Fine Bubble Fine Bubble None
Aerator Units 28 7 6 None

Lagoon acreage is 11.5 or 502,247 square feet. Aeration system manufactured by Environmental Dynamics, Inc (Reef II units) Facility has (3) blowers (Roots-Dresser) at 15 horsepower each. Blower capacity is 246 SCFM each. Influent BOD and TSS is 324 pounds per day (design). Detention time @ ADF is 29 days.

System Information

Design Flow 0.270 MGD
Actual Flow 0.270 MGD Ave. 0.10 MGD low 1.0 MGD high
Discharge To Seasonally into Prestile Stream
Year Built 1993
Design Engineers Wright-Pierce
Disinfection Sodium Hypochlorite
Dechlorination Sodium Bisulfite, Dechlorination period is May 15th to June 14th.
Septage Received No
Collector System 7.7 miles of gravity sewers, 4 pump stations 131 manholes, 50% new since 1980
Staff Size 1 Full Time, 1 Part Time
Number of Users 600
Comments Can only discharge October 1 to June 14. Discharge volume is prorated to stream flow at gauging station. Facility has Jones and Atwood grit remover (grit dewatering screw). Also has a 1 horsepower Hycor Climber screen.

Process Flow Schematic

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